Typical Characteristics Of A Company That May Not Be Suitable For Franchising
If your business exhibits one or more of the following characteristics, you may wish to address these before embarking on a franchising strategy.
- A product or service which is likely only to have a short term market
- A business that addresses a small niche market that only exists in a limited geographic area
- A business that returns low gross margins
- A “personality based” business that relies on customer loyalty to the individual and not the brand
- A business governed by regulatory issues and legislation that would pose challenges for franchisees
- Attempting to operate as separate legal entities
- A business thinking of a franchise model to address current business cashflow issues
- A business which has limited capital and limited access to credit
Author: Safwan Ul Amin (Business Sales Director)
I have over 20 years experience in various business industries. Contact me on 02037332315 or [email protected] if you are thinking about buying or selling a business via our platform.
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